Monday, November 17, 2008

Tactical Meetings

Over the last week we have been making some changes to our meeting structure between my team at MKCC. Every day we meet first thing at 9 am for just 5 minutes to share with each other the top priority for the day. What is the most important thing we need to get done that day?

Each Monday we meet for an hour to discuss the week ahead. What are our 3 top priorities for the week? This has really helped us to start to get a better understanding between the team. Very often although we work in the same office space we can be very focused on what we are doing so do not have an appreciation of what each other are working on.

Some of the priorities shared this week are:


Produce literature for Christmas series
Finalise trip to Live experience in London.
Produce videos for this Sunday preach.


Progress CRB items
Shoot video for children's teaching Christmas Series


Finalise bands for Ultimate Event 2009.
Develop Christmas series for young people.


Produce newsheet for Sunday
Construct weekly ezine
Develop posters etc on Christmas series

Bev V

Prepare Christmas series for Pre School
Set up rota for Kidz Church staff for December. (Many people are away for the whole of December)
Prepare for Kidz Quest

Bev S

Prepare for New Friends Supper
Contact New Visitors from weekend
Contact recent visitors who it has been difficult to reach


Prepare video of Sunday Services to be uploaded to web.
Investigate difficulty with one of the projectors.
Prepare video for NFS.

This is by no means all that the team do but their important tasks for the week. The meeting also throws up longer-term issues which we record and then plan to spend some concentrated time on.

Early days but I think we have all found it beneficial.


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