Monday, November 17, 2008

Prayer and Action

Nehemiah 4

v 9
We countered with prayer to our God and set a round-the-clock guard against them.

You would think that everyone would be happy that things were beginning to look better for the inhabitants of Jerusalem. But no it didn't take long for the opposition to start. Sanballett was one of the main ringleaders himself a Jewish man. Isn't it frustrating that the first opposition should come from someone who should have been on the same side.

Nothing much has changed in church history. So often opposition comes from sources you would not expect. Its amazing how often they surface when things seem to be starting to happen in church. Honestly it frustrates the pants off me. I don't know if it is the British disease of cynicism that pollutes the church or if it is a purely church disease. But why oh why do we feel the need to pull the church down the road down because they don't do it the same way or even criticise the church we attend because its not the way that we like it. Lets celebrate with each other because we are all on the same side and share in each other success.

So God spoke to me today. I need to have Nehemiah's reaction to this not my carnal reaction. Its time to go back to God and talk to him about it.


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