Almighty God, as nothing is better for us or more necessary for our chief happiness than to depend on thy Word, for that is a sure pledge of thy good will towards us, grant that, as thou hast favoured us with so singular a benefit, we may be attentive to hear thee and submit ourselves to thee in true fear, meekness, and humility. May we be prepared in the spirit of meekness to receive whatever proceeds from thee, and may thy Word not only be precious to us, but also sweet and delightful, until we shall enjoy the perfection of that life which thine only-begotten Son has procured for us by his own blood. Amen. - John Calvin
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Psalms - a real life story
In the psalms I find myself at my worst and my best. Here I can acclaim God with warmth and confidence and hope, but here I can also give vent to those black thoughts that might otherwise lie hidden in the dark and angry corners of my heart.
Posted by
Billy Ritchie
4:22 pm
Thursday, May 08, 2014
My Food
This week at HTB Leadership Conference I heard Bobbie Cheema, Senior Treasury Counsel, talk about her faith with Nicky Gumbel.
Bobbie was introduced to the Gospel when she visited a tent mission which was being held in a park in Leeds where riots had broken out some years before.
It is so interesting to me the immense variety of ways that Jesus breaks into peoples lives. In this case he uses a holiday club in a tent mission, faithfully ran by people that probably none of have ever heard of to change the course of a young Sikh girls life.
On becoming a Christian, Bobbie, was not allowed to attend Church so as a brand new Christian, the Bible became her food.
It reminded me again that we often value God's Word in the way that we should. We read, listen & watch so much information but only his Word gives us a true revelation that will build our lives on a secure foundation.
Here are a few other things that I noted down from her talk.
If we are not ambitious as Christians (in the right way, in fear and trembling) then we are selling our God short.
Ambition & humility not mutually exclusive.
The three most important things in leadership: Clarity of Thought, Honouring Others and Courage & Fearlessness.
Always HONOUR those you lead, lift them up, mentor and lay down your life for them.
I go into court at the Old Bailey early each day & pray. I say "Here I am, come on, what are we going to do today"
Posted by
Billy Ritchie
9:14 am
Labels: Bible Reading, Quotes
"Faith is to see everything against an infinite horizon...when we have the eyes of faith we see a certain divine glow shimmering within the ordinary." - All Sons & Daughters
"A blessing is the visible, perceptible, effective, proximity of God." - Bonhoeffer
Check out the latest video from All Sons and Daughters - Overture
Posted by
Billy Ritchie
8:30 am
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Live for the line not the dot
Part of our teaching series at MKCC - RICH. God wants us to be Rich but maybe not in the way we would initially want or think.
The line of eternity dwarfs our lives to the extent that it seems like a dot in comparison. God wants us not to live for the dot of this life but the never ending line of eternity with Him.
Check out the video.
Rich - I should live not for the dot but for the line from MKCCpreaching on Vimeo.
Posted by
Billy Ritchie
8:00 pm
Worth it All
I heard and tried to sing this song by Ben Cantelon at the HTB Leadership Conference yesterday. I say, try, as the words are hugely challenging to me. Worth it All - Listen to it in the video below.
All I am, Lord, here before You
Reaching out for more
You're the promise
Never failing
You are my reward
You are my reward
I let go of all I have
Just to have all of You
And no matter what the cost
I will follow You
Jesus, everything I've lost
I have found in You
When I finally reach the end I'll say
You are worth it all
There's no riches
Earthly treasure
That will satisfy
Every longing for You, Jesus
Set this heart on fire
Set this heart on fire
I let go of all I have
Just to have all of You
And no matter what the cost
I will follow You
Jesus, everything I've lost
I have found in You
When I finally reach the end I'll say
You are worth it all
You are worth it all
When I'm there in Your glorious presence
Every knee is bowed before You
Hear the sound of heaven singing
You are worth it all
All the saints cry Holy Holy
Angels singing worthy worthy
Forever I will shout Your praises
You are worth it all
You are worth it all
Posted by
Billy Ritchie
3:19 pm
Labels: Music