Much has been written about Pastor Mark Driscoll, some good some bad. People have taken positions most against and some for. Whatever the stance this interview with Pastor Brian Houston has lots to teach us all as leaders.
- At the core Mark has his own simple story of salvation.
- There is the lords calling and there is the lords timing.
- His character was not caught up with his calling and if he had to do it again he would start off under the guidance of a older more spiritually mature leader.
- In the past I would have fought for reformed theology and since it is supposed to be a theology centred in grace fighting for it is probably not the best representation of it.
- I was told to put down the binoculars and pick up the mirror.
- I pray that in the future I can draw people and not drive people.
- I think love and grace is good theology
- When anyone dies they will have to give an account and that won't be to Mark Driscoll.
- Grace centred relationship is so important.
- The culture at Mars Hill would have been different and better with the increased involvement of Godly women.
- I would like to find a way where I am not violating my convictions or convictions whilst also not severing my relationships.
- It's never the wrong time to do the right thing.