Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Simply Jesus - His Prayer for you

John 17

Its great when someone prays for you isn't it. To know that someone has thought about you and spoken to God on your behalf is inspiring to say the least. To pray to the almighty God for someone else must be one of the best things you can do for someone.

Here in Chapter 17 we read Jesus prayer for you and me. Jesus took the time to pray for you. He knew his time was drawing near and he knew that his closest followers were about to face their ultimate crisis of faith. The torture, conviction and death of their teacher.

Everything was about to change and Jesus takes time out to pray for them and us (v 20).

Take the time out to re read this incredible prayer and what Jesus wants for you. You will never lack vision for your life again every word is rich in meaning.

To pick out just one phrase. (v 11) For I’m no longer going to be visible in the world; They’ll continue in the world.

To think we, believers, are now the visible face of Jesus in the world. What awesome responsibility. I challenge you to click here and read again the prayer that Jesus prayed for you.


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