Thursday, August 21, 2008

Sadness for Mike Guglielmucci

Unfortunately the news I heard yesterday has proven to be true. I am extremely sad to hear that Mike Guglielmucci writer of the song Healer which I featured in this blog here has been living a lie.

For the last couple of years Mikes friends and family have been under the impression that he had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. It now transpires that this is not true. You can read a press release here.

Clearly through this deception Mike has hurt his church and immediate family. Many people I am sure will condemn and castigate him. At this difficult time please remember how Jesus dealt with a person caught red handed in sin.

  • Lets pray for Mike and the people around him that they will be able to help him.
  • Take Jesus words to heart and only start throwing stones at Mike if you have no sin.
  • Think about what peoples reaction to you would be if all your hidden sin was made public.
  • Pray for his immediate family at this difficult time.
  • Remember that God's love for Mike has not changed. He loved him before he did anything wrong, He loved him while he was living the lie and he loves him now when his world has been exposed.
  • Healer is a brilliant song and is truth. Its the messenger that has been tarnished the message is still 100% true.


Andy said...

I'm gutted, mainly because it was his testimony that helped make Healer such an amazing song. Without the testimony it's still truth, as are the rest of his songs, but it may take time for the song to become detached from the story.

I'm joining you in praying for Mike and those personally affected by this and thanking God that, although I'm no better, he is full of grace and forgiveness for all our sins.

Anonymous said...

this is terrible we are surely in endtimes i may have to throw the cd away and pray for him however this will not rock my faith i am standing firm on Jesus Remember Jesus warned even the elect will be fooled

Billy Ritchie said...

Yes. Here is a thought. God knew exactly what was going on. God was not caught up in any hoax and he still choose to use mike to bring us the song. I don't understand it but trust God totally.

Billy Ritchie said...

Anonymous - you dont have to throw away the CD the truth of the song has not changed. God is our healer and he is all we need.

Anonymous said...

you know i was only reading about Grace last night maybe a prep by the Holy Spirit for this news hmm what is so amazing about Grace he will be forgiven if he repented We cannot judge him but pray for him in the meantime what will i do with the cd the lyrics were so comforting i listen to it daily i wonder if i can have a refund

Anonymous said...

The God we serve is a God who likes to turn things around what the devil means for evil god will turn this around for good and his glory this song will still bring healing Mike needs our prayers obviously he is very very ill and he still need healing of his mind

Paul Kilby said...

Please leave any copies of the CD that you do not want or that you want to be free from on top of the bass amplifier on the stage - I do not have a copy yet - seriously. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

no way Paul i have changed my mind it is now antique

Andy said...

Paul - I only got my copy on Tuesday so no, you can't have it!

Billy - excellent point that God chose to use Mike even though He knew exactly what was going on. Pretty much in the same way that He choses to use any of us despite our fairly major flaws and failings.

Anonymous said...

his weakness appeared to be lying and deception but God still used him to bring the message of healing to his people God used his talent for his purpose He needs our prayers and he need to pray for himself his grace is enough for him i wonder if this cd will be still available it carried an awesome message i think God used him

Anonymous said...

he is a psychopath(personality disorder) usually are pathological liers pray that he will be delivered from this illness we cannot judge him
if he ask for forgiveness and emotional healing

Anonymous said...

looking at this David was a murderer and adulterer but we still use his psalms

Billy Ritchie said...

Great point on David. Who ever you are Anonymous you should be writing the blog not me

Anonymous said...

You know what is REALLY so amazing about grace! The fact that so many christians just dont get it ... and issues like this simply highlight that!

B.J. Price said...

Billy - thanks for being so sensitive and gracious in the way you wrote on this subject. I am glad I found this bit of news out here on your blog. Now, I know better how to respond to those around me who may be quick to respond negatively when it would be better by far to respond with grace and love.

The best thing we can do is continue to proclaim the truth of the song and at the same time pray that Mike will receive true "healing" (whatever that really looks like for him.) I truly believe God can and will receive great glory from this situation if we as individuals will each use this opportunity to speak of God's forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

The god we serve is a God of another chance no one is perfect don't matter who we, if we are without sin we call God a liar God tend to take our mess and use it for his message We will continue to pray for his healing and deliverance and that God hand will be on him

Anonymous said...

You know I'm glad that what was done in the dark finally came out in the Light...God knows the heart of man and in an awesome Father and God way by His awesome Holy Spirit he will convict the heart of man. Y we will neva know but assume but God knows and it's all in God's timing. God is truly our awesome healer.

Anonymous said...

U know may be God was telling Mike through that song that God is truly our healer...And it's just now that Mike got the revelation of what God was saying to him....Wouldn't it have been better if He fake his healing?

Anonymous said...

hmm this is very hard to chew and swollow from the churh ,adultery yes, fornication yes, fraud yes, fraud and deception especially fake healing i am so glad of God's grace and mercy i thank god for repentance and forgiveness i thank that he say judge no man or you will be judge i thank god for his love i pray that he will be delivered from this mental health problem i wonder how many fakes are out there it is frightening, it is time to put our eyes on Jesus while on earth he did not seek fame or fortune brothers and sisters it is endtime
even the elect will be fooled hmm if we cannot discern god help it is only the holy spirit can help us bring him back

Anonymous said...

this is so sad The Holy Spirit is vary rarely spoken of in the body of Christ the place of worship today and we wonder why Satan has boldly attack and attacking the church us christian. ichabod,the glory has left us ,this is a wakeup call to the whole church we will continue to pray for his deliverance

Anonymous said...

All the wacko's have come out to comment on this ... Read back to billy's comment on Gods love for him really is that simple!

Anonymous said...

annoymous no wacko's here only you read through the stuff properly u will see that some comments actually speak on the love and grace of God.

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