Thursday, March 20, 2008

Unleash Website

Well I have not even got around to assimilating my notes from Unleash on my simple blog but the guys at newspring have revamped the whole Unleash Site. It includes video of the 2 main sessions from Perry Noble and the notes from all the breakout sessions.

You have got to take the time to watch the videos. If you are a staff member or a volunteer you have got to watch Perry's session "Five things I would love to Say to Pastors". He says some great things to Senior Pastors but then turns his attention to the rest of us in church life who have a Senior Pastor. It just is a must watch.

There a few times in your life when things just click together, a God contrived moment, and you know that you have just got to be different. I really feel that my week in the US connecting with different churches was one of those moments. I have a lot to work through but it is going to be an exciting journey and one I am looking forward to.


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