Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Recap

  • Started our third Sunday service on Easter weekend. 8.30am, 10.15 am & 12 noon.
  • Attendance 135, 264, 210 - Good spread now we have room in each service to grow into our small church hall that seats about 350.
  • Great services with record number of children in Kidz Church - 142.
  • Highlight of services 100's of people walking through door to signify their prayer to God. The doors or a New Identity, Radical Love, Freedom and Salvation.
  • Loved singing the old hymn Because he lives with a modern twist of a video. Loved the thought that in Jesus, death gives way to victory.

  • Watched football all afternoon. Man Utd won and Arsenal lost - Great!
  • What is snow on Easter all about. Some old pope has a lot to answer for.
  • My office is still empty after being decorated whilst I was a away. Hopefully I will finally get back into it today.
  • Didn't really enjoy the bank holidays. Feel like I have so much to get on with after my trip to Unleash but couldn't even make the decision to go into work because of the previous point.
  • Abbie goes for an interview at a local college today. What is that all about? Now I feel old.


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