Started our third Sunday service on Easter weekend. 8.30am, 10.15 am & 12 noon.
Attendance 135, 264, 210 - Good spread now we have room in each service to grow into our small church hall that seats about 350.
Great services with record number of children in Kidz Church - 142.
Highlight of services 100's of people walking through door to signify their prayer to God. The doors or a New Identity, Radical Love, Freedom and Salvation.
Loved singing the old hymn Because he lives with a modern twist of a video. Loved the thought that in Jesus, death gives way to victory.
Watched football all afternoon. Man Utd won and Arsenal lost - Great!
My office is still empty after being decorated whilst I was a away. Hopefully I will finally get back into it today.
Didn't really enjoy the bank holidays. Feel like I have so much to get on with after my trip to Unleash but couldn't even make the decision to go into work because of the previous point.
Abbie goes for an interview at a local college today. What is that all about? Now I feel old.
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