Friday, July 31, 2009

God wants you as part of a team

I am so thankful to Jesus for giving me the opportunity to be a pastor at MKCC.

I get to be part of an incredible leadership team. If I was leading a church by myself then I don't think that their would be many people following. I just don't have the gifting. But God knew that and put some great leaders around me who make up for all my weaknesses.

In fact I would not describe myself a traditional pastor. I leave that to others. But God has put something within me that is special and unique. I loved this quote by John Newton (author of "Amazing Grace") telling us why there aren't any perfect pastors.

In my imagination, I sometimes fancy I could [create] a perfect minister. I take the eloquence of ______, the knowledge of ______, the zeal of ______, and the pastoral meekness, tenderness, and piety of ______. Then, putting them all together into one man, I say to myself, "This would be a perfect minister."

Now there is One, who, if he chose to, could actually do this; but he never did it. He has seen fit to do otherwise, and to divide these gifts to every man severally as he will. (Richard Cecil, Memoirs of the Rev. John Newton, p. 107.)

I am enjoying the journey of becoming more like the ME God made me to be.


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