Friday, January 01, 2010

Letters to God

Read this at "History in the Making"

"In January 2003, a 9-year old boy named Tyler Doherty was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor. TylerHe got 30 radiation treatments over four months, but doctors couldn't stop it from taking over his brain. So tragic.

But get this - all the while Tyler had cancer, he wrote letters addressed to God and actually put them in the mailbox. The amazing thing is that the postal carrier Brady McDaniels started reading the letters and gave his life to Jesus as a result. Tyler died on March 7, 2005.

A film has been made about this boy's story called Letters to God."

Yet again I am reminded that I do not live for my "Happiness" but the JOY of bringing glory to my God.

Watch the video trailer by clicking the image below.


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