Exodus 28
V 29 “Aaron will regularly carry the names of the sons of Israel on the Breastpiece of Judgment over his heart as he enters the Sanctuary into the presence of God for remembrance."
Aaron carried a great responsibility not only did he carry the names of the tribes of Israel over his heart on his breastplate he represented them in God's presence.
We don't need anyone to represent us before God our mediator Jesus does that. However we do have the privilege of bringing the needs of others before God. So whose name is on your heart today before God.
Here are some of the people I have talked about to God today.
- Our Church bank manager (we want him to lend us a load of money, OK that one was a little selfish)
- Nicola
- Abbie
- Liam
- Mark
- Ben (Assistant pastor in Fraserburgh, don't know why but just thought I should pray for him today)
- David, Alison and Family. (David is very ill and needs a miracle)
- George
- Chris & Dana
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