Friday, February 23, 2007

The Kids will lead us

I am getting to love the Internet more every day. I already love the fact that by the wonder of blogs i can, over my decaf Americano in Starbucks each morning, tap into the minds of great church leaders around the world.

What is even cooler is that some of the guys are attending a C3 conference in the states at the moment and have taken the time to post about the event. Tony Morgan posted this following observations from Ed Young's session.

* Children are the most neglected, over-looked entity in the world.
* Half of the developing world is children.
* Have you ever gone to a conference on church growth that focused on reaching children?
* 2/3 of people accept Christ before the age of 18.
* Only 1 out of 4 kids that grow up in evangelical churches will accept Christ.
* If we want to build a bigger tent, the answer isn't worship--it's kids.
* You want to build your church, you need to put your best with the kids.
* If you love people's kids, you'll get their time and attention.
* Adults will come every Sunday if their kids love the church.
* What does Jesus say about this? Mark 10. "Let the little children come to me..."

That's why we invest into our Children's ministry here at MKCC. We want our children to see church as a fun, exciting place that they look forward to visiting. We have a great team of volunteers who work with our staff making Kidz Church a fantastic place to be.


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