Friday, March 04, 2011

Choosing Humility

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. - Luke 14 v 11

In God's Kingdom we are going to be humble.
It's just out choice how we get there.
We can choose humility or he will take us there.

It is amazing how stubborn our pride is.
In the face of an almighty, holy, infinite God
Who chose humility through the incarnation.
We still so often choose our pride.

When His humility extended to death on a cross, our pride encourages us to live a life of pretense.

Let's humbly take our seat at His table with thankfulness and gratitude, keep our mouths closed and leave the rest to Him.


hellotheremeinchimayo said...

This is a simple and great post. Thank for the reminder. If we don't catch ourselves, we forget that our days are actually counted on earth. I will post this on facebook :)

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