Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I got back last night after spending the weekend away at my Dad's place up in Aberdeenshire. Internet access has been very limited. My dad has not joined the internet revolution and although there are many very nice cafes and coffee shops they have not discovered wifi to go with your latte. You don't know how frustrating it was for me to keep looking at my laptop and realise that 70% of what I use it for was not available.

Being disconnected from the internet did however help my connection with someone more important- my saviour. Long walks by the secluded sea shore enabled me to do some business with God or should I say he did some business with me.

I love the internet and the world of blogs, facebook, twitter, internet campuses, podcasts and general online community but connection with God still is the thing that I need the most. So enduring an enforced disconnection helped me to tune in better to the connection with my God.


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