Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Goodbye France

So it has been a bit quiet around here for the last week or so. We have been in France for a holiday and although there was free WiFi on site decided to give it a miss for a while.

Then on return I was laid low for a few days sick so only now starting to get back into the swing of things.

Had a great time on holiday at Le Clarys Plage camp site near St Jean De Monts. It really is a fantastic site. Loads of activities on site, great pool, bar etc. Supermarket, boulangerie and cave de vin all next door and about 500 yards from the beach. With great friendly staff.

We went with a Kel Air for the first time which were about half the price of our usual Eurocamp and they stayed open a week longer. With the Schools going back and the major camping companies closing it meant that the second week was very quiet. Ideal!

As you can see from the photo below the flip flop rack at the pool had just one pair present - mine!

Lots of relaxing, BBQ's, reading, numerous games of pool with Liam and a few good books.

So I was sorry to say goodbye to France for another year.


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