Thursday, August 27, 2015
A Beggars Prayer
Samuel Medley, preacher and hymn writer, of the 1700's penned the following hymn as a description of himself. For me its like looking in a mirror and seeing myself. I am so thankful for the perseverance of God with a sinner like me.
A beggar poor, at mercy's door,
Lies such a wretch as I;
Thou know'st my need is great indeed,
Lord, hear me when I cry.
With guilt beset, and deep in debt,
For pardon, Lord I pray;
O let thy love sufficient prove
To take my sins away.
A wicked heart is no small part
Of my distress and shame;
Let sovereign grace its crimes efface,
Through Jesus blessed name.
My darkened mind, I daily find,
Is prone to go astray;
Lord, on it shine, with light divine,
And guide it in thy way.
My stubborn will opposes still
Thy wise and holy hand;
Thy Spirit send to make it bend
To thy supreme command.
Affections wild, by sin defiled,
Oft hurry me away;
Lord, bring them home,
nor let them roam
From Christ, the Living Way.
A conscience hard does oft retard
My walk in holy peace;
Let it by thee made tender be,
And all its hardness cease.
My memory bad, but what is sad,
Can folly still retain;
O fill it, Lord, with thy sweet word,
And let it there remain.
Before thy face I've told my case;
Lord, help, and mercy send;
Pity my soul, and make me whole,
And love me to the end.
Samuel Medley 1738-99
Posted by
Billy Ritchie
8:35 am
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