Monday, October 01, 2012

Take the Lid Off Your Church

On a visit to Saddleback Church many moons ago I had the opportunity in a breakout session to listen to the double act of Tim Stevens & Tony Morgan. Their clear, simple but valuable advice on developing the volunteer culture was inspiring. Their book Simply Strategic Volunteers, helped shape how we value volunteers at MKCC. Since then I have been challenged by much of the leadership principles Tony has published on his blog.

Tony's latest ebook, Take the Lid Off Your Church: 6 Steps to Building a Healthy Senior Leadership Team, will not take you an age to read but it could take a lifetime to work out.

Tony offers an insider perspective on healthy leadership teams not as a theorist but rather as a practitioner. His years of active participation on the senior leadership teams of several dynamic churches has prepared him to offer key insights that will help multiple churches get to the next level without making years of painful mistakes.

As a Senior Church Leader you will want to read this book personally. However, its power will be found in making it a tool for you & your team to assess the health of the team and be a guide towards creating a healthy effective team.

The opening paragraph of the book says:

"A personality might draw a weekend crowd, but it takes a team to create healthy systems that foster sustained growth and opportunities for life change." 

Creating, equipping, empowering, guiding and releasing that healthy team is vital to life and mission of the church.


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