Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Leadership Lessons from Chuck Swindoll

Chuck Swindoll recently shared at Catalyst some lessons that he had learned in 50 years of ministry.

  1. It’s lonely to lead.
    Leadership involves tough decisions. The tougher the decisions, the lonelier it is.
  2. It’s dangerous to succeed.
    It is dangerous to succeed while being young. rarely, does God give leadership that young because it takes crushing and failure first.
  3. It’s hardest at home.
    Nobody at home is applauding you. They say, “Dad! You’re fly is open.”
  4. It is essential to be real.
    If there is one realm where phoniness is personified it is leadership. What I care about is that you stay real.
  5. It is painful to obey.
    There are rewards, yes, but it is painful nevertheless.
  6. Brokenness and failure are necessary.
  7. My attitude is more important than my actions.
    Some of you are getting hard to be around. And your attitude covers all those great actions you pull off.
  8. Integrity eclipses image.
    What you are doing is not a show. And the best things you are doing is not up front but what you do behind the scenes.
  9. God’s way is better than my way.
    God is going to have His way.
  10. Christ-likeness begins and ends with humility.
Some great wisdom.


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