Someone once said the pace of the leader determines the pace of the pack. Sometimes leaders slow things down. Fear & insecurity can mean they are slow to act.
Reading in 2 Chronicles 24 today I saw this clearly. The leaders were slowing the vision down.
Joash wanted to renovate the Temple of God so asked his spiritual leaders to raise the money from the people to enable the task to be completed. But v 6 says, "But the Levites dragged their feet and didn’t do anything."
I am sure there are all sorts of reasons:
- What if the people didn't want to give?
- The people paid their wages so they didn't want to upset them.
- If the building project started it may put the squeeze on their remuneration.
- Maybe they didn't want to give.
Leader maybe its time to get out of the way stop being a bottleneck and let God's people step up.
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