Friday, March 02, 2007


This weekend we are talking about change in our Sunday services. Change is something we strive for but also find the most difficult. We all want to change for the better. We preach and believe in life change is not easy. Read this week a quote that said: To change is difficult, not to change is fatal.

The great thing is that God gives us a way to effect change in our lives even when we are finding it difficult or even impossible. Romans 12 v 2 offers a hope and a path of transformation. Changing our actions and our character begins with changing our minds. We plug into our relationship with God and he reprogrammes the way we think.

Steven Covey said: People can’t change unless there is a changeless core inside them. I am so grateful that God has moved in to give me the power to change.

Pumped about today. Our new leadership team meets for the first time today. Praying that it will be an incredible time of God's help as we work together to see more people brought into His kingdom.


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