Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Why make it simple when we can complicate it?

Over the last two days I feel like I have swung like a pendulmn. From one extreme to another. If you have read other entries in this blog you will know that I have committed my life to a radical devotion to God's kingdom. My motivation is to personally become more like Christ and assist others in that journey.

On Monday night I met with a few guys who share my passion in life. We have been watching a set of DVD's together produced by Willow Creek Community Church entitled A2. The series looks specifically at the church that existed in its infancy immediately after the death and resurrection of its founder Jesus and described in the second chapter of Acts in the Bible.

Bill Hybles simply communicated his take on Evangelism. He took what many of us Christians are sometimes inexplicably afraid of, telling another human being what Jesus has done in our lives, and simplified it to something that was easy and within reach. Being open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, leaving our place of comfort and holding out the hand of friendship and assisting people on their Spiritual journey without bringing judgment.

This was followed today by a seminar on Church government and Charity Law. Of course it is vital that we ensure that everything we do as Charities and Churches is done in the very best of order and to the highest of standards. That is of paramount importance. Sometimes it seems though that the church in Acts 2 had a much more simple outlook. They met together regularly, listened to and applied the teaching of the leaders and met each others needs. No mention of companies limited by guarantees, directors, trustees etc.

Maybe its better to keep a simple life for a simple person and leave the complicated stuff to those God has shaped to understand it. Maybe that way we will be more effective in our quest for the extension of God's family.


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