Kicked off the our new teaching series - Draw Near at MKCC on Sunday - Trust in his timing. Click here if you cant see the video.
Draw Near - Trust in His Timing from MKCCpreaching on Vimeo.
- None of us know what the future holds but we know that our God holds the future in his hands.
- Before Jesus we are caught in a sort of religious groundhog day. Sin – scared – sacrifice – survive - repeat.
- Now it is no longer us working to appease an angry God but God that is working in our lives.
- There is now no longer any need to be scared to come to God or to pass our own relationship with God to another “more spiritual” man. Jesus shouts to a people far away draw near
- There is no more sad sight in the world as a man or a woman who have found the greatest treasure in the world – Jesus and yet don’t value it above everything else.
- I'm a pastor, I help to lead a great church but its not the greatest treasure – Jesus is!
- The mystery of time is controlled by the plans of an eternal God.
- One of the problems with reading God’s word is that if we are not careful we don’t grasp the depth of time. In a few verses we can jump from promise to fulfilment but what took us a few seconds to read to days, weeks, months, years even decades to happen.
- One of the problems of this type of faith is that it never deals with doubts, even suggests that doubts are wrong.
- The unknown creates doubts. Faith is not the absence of doubt. It is trusting God despite those doubts!
- Waiting is not incidental to faith. Waiting is the DNA of faith.
- Recognise that God is in control, even when it seems He has forgotten you.
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