Yesterday afternoon I took delivery of an advance copy of Pastor Mark Driscoll's brand new book, "Who do you think you are?". It releases here in the UK on Monday (7th Jan). Here is the amazon link to pre-order.
Above is the book video trailer, where you can get a glimpse of what the book is about, there is also a free chapter on the book’s website if you are one of those who wants to taste and see first.
“The fundamental problem we have in this world, is that we don’t understand who we truly are—children of God made in his image—and define ourselves by any number of things other than Jesus. Only by knowing our false identity apart from Christ, in comparison to our true identity in him, can we finally deal with and overcome the issues in our lives.” - DriscollI have been looking forward to this book for some time for two reasons.
Firstly, Ephesians, on which the book is based, is truly amazing work by the Apostle Paul and the Holy Spirit to describe God's plan and purpose for us. So I love hanging out in its pages.
Secondly, Driscoll's straightforward style challenges both my thinking and lifestyle as someone who has struggled continually to fully grasp my identity found in Christ.
Looking forward to starting to read it today.
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