Monday, September 05, 2011

That was Sunday

  • Great to see more people returning from the summer break. With holidays, camps and missions trips it sometimes feels like you haven't seen each other in weeks.
  • The band brought it again on. For some reason the 12 o clock service, our smaller one, was off the charts.
  • God really broke into my heart singing - With all I am. The words: "I'll walk with you
    wherever you go, through tears and joy, I'll trust in you." Really broke me.
  • Great to have the young people really getting involved in our services, Show us the way guys!
  • Just love seeing so many people hanging around after the service in our Coffee Shop.
  • Mark did a great job launching our new series - Commissioned. Following are a few quotes from Marks message:
  • Get this Jesus is in the sending business.
  • Jesus does not write the doubters off. (Thomas) Instead he decided to entrust his message to them.
  • Why is the GREAT Commission so GREAT? 1. Because of the authority of the one who gave it.
  • Jesus has ALL authority. We are told to GO. And as we go we have ALL HIS Authority so what are we worried about?
  • I beg you, don't ever let your Christianity become about you. 
  • They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching & to fellowship, to breaking of bread & to prayer. - Acts 2:42 - Its not rocket science is it?
  • Then off to Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre to see how Abbie was recovering from her operation. Getting to hate the MK - Oxford road. :-)


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