Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Youth Do

Met last night with a couple of guys who are heading up our Youth Ministry at MKCC. It is probably the area in our church that we need to invest some more time, talent and money to make it more effective.

Ryan & Sean are relaunching the youth programme. They are dividing it up into more specific age ranges. School years 7 - 9 and years 10 - 13. This will allow them to focus on each group a little more. They are kicking the whole thing off by hosting an evening for all the parents where the young people will serve food and take part in some music and dance. In this day and age its important to get the parents involved after all they are the taxi service to get they young people to church.

We are also planning some events later in the year. In June we have a visit of a great rock band from the states: Starfield. It was great to sit with them and start to plan all the logistics. Its a bit of a new venture for us in MK but I am sure it will be a great evening.


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