Sunday, February 26, 2006

Park and Ride

Back home in Milton Keynes and Sunday comes round again. This is what we have worked towards during the week. Sunday starts early arriving at Church just after 7 am. By 7.30 am its a hive of activity.

The seats are being set out, PA plugged in, refreshments arranged, musicians tuning up. Our Early Bird service starts at 9 am with our second service following on at 11 am.

A couple of weeks ago we introduced a park and ride scheme. Our Car Park can not hold the number of cars we get to our second service particularly. We managed to secure the use of a nearby college and people then take a 5 min walk or catch our shuttle mini busses.

Today I joined some of the guys to assist direct the traffic and had a great time. I am also sure our neigbours in the surrounding streets are a little happier with the surrounding streets free from traffic.

Its a great problem to have and we need to continue to lift any lids that stop people coming to Jesus.


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