This past weekend we hosted Author and Leadership coach, Dave Kraft at Milton Keynes Christian Centre. During his ministry Dave has served on staff and volunteered in leadership in all sorts of churches, both large and small.
A few years ago he wrote a short book called Mistakes Leaders Make. In it he crystallised both many of the mistakes he personally made and also those he saw other leaders making.
In his conference on Saturday he walked us through 5 of these mistakes giving us time to review our own leadership and discovering any blind spots. It certainly was a challenging day.
Here are what Dave describes as the top 10 mistakes he sees leaders making:
- allowing ministry to replace Jesus;
- allowing comparing to replace contentment;
- allowing pride to replace humility;
- allowing busyness to replace visioning;
- allowing financial frugality to replace fearless faith;
- allowing artificial harmony to replace difficult conflict;
- allowing perennially hurting people to replace potential hungry leaders;
- allowing information to replace transformation; and
- allowing control to replace trust.
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