Sunday, February 03, 2013

Not Afraid!

13 Reasons for a disciple of Jesus not to be afraid:

  1. We will not die apart from God’s gracious decree for his children. James 4:14-15; Matthew 10:29-30; Deuteronomy 32:39 
  2. Curses and divination do not hold sway against God’s people. Numbers 23:23 
  3. The plans of terrorists and hostile nations do not succeed apart from our gracious God. Psalm 33:10; Isaiah 8:9-10 
  4. Man cannot harm us beyond God’s gracious will for us. Psalm 118:6; Psalm 56:11 
  5. God promises to protect his own from all that is not finally good for them. Psalm 91:14 
  6. God promises to give us all we need to obey, enjoy, and honor him forever. Matthew 6:31; Philippians 4:19 
  7. God is never taken off guard. Psalm 121:4 
  8. God will be with us, help us, and uphold us in trouble. Isaiah 41:10,13 
  9. Terrors will come, some of us will die, but not a hair of our heads will perish. Luke 21:10–11,18 
  10. Nothing befalls God’s own but in its appointed hour. John 7:30 
  11. When God Almighty is your helper, none can harm you beyond what he decrees. Hebrews 13:6; Romans 8:31 
  12. God’s faithfulness is based on the firm value of his name, not the fickle measure of our obedience. 1 Samuel 12:20–22 
  13. The Lord, our protector, is great and awesome. Nehemiah 4:14
Not bad eh?

Originally posted by John Piper


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