Friday, June 08, 2012

Surprise of the Explicit Gospel

I am nearing the end of reading Matt Chandler's book the Explicit Gospel. The book is split into two parts. The Gospel on the ground and the Gospel in the air. Having read and listened to much of Matt's teaching over the last few years part one was like chatting with an old friend. An enriching conversation that brings into focus the most important theme of our faith which once viewing we can never be the same. The pure unadulterated good news that God's grace though his Son came knocking at my door.

Turning the page to the Gospel in the air was a total surprise. Here the conversation took a turn that I never expected as Matt zoomed out and looked at the epic and cosmic nature of God's restoration plan for not only us as individuals but for the whole of creation. You are left blown away immenseness of the plan that God is orchestrating through the cross and left bowing the knee and shaking your head in humility and wonder.

He quotes Martyn Lloyd Jones description of this:

"Here, it is important for us to emphasise once more that we must present the total Gospel. There is a personal side to it, we must deal with that, and we must start with that. But we do not stop with that; there is a social side, indeed a cosmic side as well. We must present the whole plan of salvation as it is revealed in the scriptures. We must show that the ultimate object, as the Apostle Paul puts it in Ephesians 1:10, is to head up in Christ all things, "both which are in heaven, and which are in earth; even in Him."

"You are emphasising that salvation is not merely something subjective, a nice feeling, or peace, or whatever it is they are seeking. All that is important, and is part of it; but there is something more important, namely that the whole universe is involved. We must give the people a conception of this, of the scope and ambit and the greatness of the gospel in this all-inclusive aspect."

To be honest I still haven't cottoned on the greatness, scope, majesty and beauty of God's ultimate plan and purpose that he is achieving through the towering masterpiece of His Gospel

Buy or download Explicit Gospel here you will not regret it.


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