Friday, March 02, 2012

Volunteers make the difference

“Volunteers make the difference between a good games and a great games!” - Lord Coe

Lord Coe may well be right about the Olympics but this statement is hands down on the money when it comes to church.

Volunteers are the absolute life blood of any church. Lets face it they do MOST of the work. I'm not saying that staff on church do not work hard, they do. I know from personal experience that the boundaries between "Work" and "life" can get blurred and even disappear.

But lets face it, if things are reasonably healthy around the local church, volunteer hours vastly out weigh staff hours.

At MKCC volunteers:

Direct cars, drive mini buses, welcome people, lead teams of stewards, play instruments, sing, lead worship, prepare refreshments for other volunteers, work the PA, work with video cameras, mix & record video, change lighting, use song management software, tidy the auditorium, hand out newsheets, lead people to Jesus, pray for & counsel people, serve in our guest lounge, serve in the coffee shop, set up and maintain refreshment stations, set up kids church, welcome children, play with children, register kids, lead worship for kids, teach kids, lead children's small groups, coach at kids church, take down and pack away. And finally a volunteer even peaches sometimes!

And that's just SUNDAY!

So thank, love, empower, train, release the volunteers in the church to change it from a GOOD church to a GREAT church.

Disclaimer: By writing a list I for sure have committed the cardinal sin of missing out one of the volunteer roles that makes Sunday happen. In advance SORRY!


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